The Legislative Legacy of Edward M. Kennedy: Eleven Milestones in Pursuit of Social Justice, 1965-2007 by Craig A. Horowitz
The Legislative Legacy of Edward M. Kennedy: Eleven Milestones in Pursuit of Social Justice, 1965-2007 by Craig A. Horowitz PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Sweeping biographies abound, authorized and nonauthorized, regarding Ted Kennedy. They tend either to applaud him for his ideals or criticize him for his personal flaws. The present work differs. Using historical tools and legal analysis, it closely examines ten major pieces of legislation Kennedy sponsored or strongly backed as well as the attempt at immigration reform he spearheaded with John McCain. This is a balanced and thoroughly researched book. By tracing the legislation from their introduction through passage, and analyzing the actual language of the legislation, the book sheds considerable light both on the unintended consequences through time of the legislation as well as consequences Kennedy intended in attempting to promote reform and combat discrimination.From reader reviews:
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