Profoundly Erotic: Sexy Movies that Changed History by Joe Bob Briggs
Profoundly Erotic: Sexy Movies that Changed History by Joe Bob Briggs PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Movie stars do it better, or so it seems. Sex on the silver screen unfolds in such a perfect way and we get sucked in. Whether we want to admit it or not, much of our sexual behavior has been learned from the movies.From Joe Bob Briggs comes Profoundly Erotic, a collection of essays on sex in film. This guide explores the most seminal films―from cult classics to Hollywood blockbusters―that both shaped and reflected America’s changing mores and codes about sex. Briggs, who has been called the Leonard Maltin of cult movies, makes good on his reputation as an off-kilter and daring movie guru in this revealing look at filmed fornication.
Profoundly Erotic follows Joe Bob’s popular Profoundly Disturbing. Now Joe Bob takes on the key films that turn us on, such as It Happened One Night (1938), Lolita (1962), Belle de Jour (1967), and sex, lies, and videotape (1989). Illustrated with lurid stills and posters, the book strips down the hottest screen moments in history with the bodies we adore, from Rudolf Valentino and Mae West to Brigitte Bardot and Sharon Stone. In addition to the ten main movies, the book features a hundred more capsule reviews in “For Further Frisson” sidebars.
Praise for Profoundly Disturbing:
“A valuable and entertaining survey of movies that broke taboos.”
―Leonard Maltin
“The book merits attention from fans tired of high-minded essays about classics such as Citizen Kane, and explains why crass, tasteless pictures often make more impact than those released with the stamp of respectability.”
―Publishers Weekly
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