Clinical Veterinary Language - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 1e by Joann Colville DVM, Sharon Oien MT(ASCP)NM
Clinical Veterinary Language - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 1e by Joann Colville DVM, Sharon Oien MT(ASCP)NM PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Clinical Veterinary Language emphasizes learning and understanding veterinary language, rather than focusing primarily on anatomy and physiology. Case studies, pronunciation guides, and word-building exercises clarify word parts and concepts to help you master word meanings and the way words are built. This practical resource provides the tools you need to communicate effectively in any veterinary setting.
- Clinically focused chapters with case studies and medical reports provide you with the opportunity to apply your vocabulary knowledge.
- Fill-in-the-blanks, Matching, Define the Word exercises, and more in every chapter offer vocabulary-building skills practice.
- Quick Tips, Watch Out! and Interesting Word Origins boxes highlight key concepts and make learning vocabulary fun.
- Objectives, key terms, outlines, chapter introductions, and key points help you prioritize information to ensure you understand what is most important in every chapter.
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