Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Mil Besos: 1000 Kisses by Ruven Afanador

Mil Besos: 1000 Kisses by Ruven Afanador

Mil Besos: 1000 Kisses

Mil Besos: 1000 Kisses by Ruven Afanador PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Ruven Afanador—one of today’s most respected and in-demand editorial and fashion photographers—presents Mil Besos, a unique and arresting vision of the flamenco women of Spain. Often photographed wearing haute couture creations that were inspired by their dancing, the women’s vibrant and dramatic personalities come alive in Afanador’s portraits. This instant classic is an homage to the passions and traditions of the soon-to-be-lost culture of flamenco, a singular art form that has influenced the work of filmmaker Pedro Almodovar, as well as fashion designers John Galliano and Diane von Furstenberg, who have contributed insightful texts to this luxuriously produced monograph. Mil Besos will appeal to classic photography lovers, dance enthusiasts, and fashionistas alike.

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