Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

PDF⋙ Splosh for the Billabong by Ros Moriarty

Splosh for the Billabong by Ros Moriarty

Splosh for the Billabong

Splosh for the Billabong by Ros Moriarty PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

An early childhood concept book which revels in all things messy and sticky, and explores Australian animals and landscapes as well as indigenous art in a joyous, non-didactic and playful way

"Spot go my fingers
In the messy sticky clay
From the slippery-slidey riverbank
Near jabiru’s waterhole
And turtle’s secret sunning place."

A lively celebration of nature and the tactile fun that can be found in a waterhole, vibrantly illustrated by Balarinji, Australia’s leading indigenous design studio. Splosh for the Billabong uses nature to teach children about the senses.

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