Minggu, 13 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ Sweet Taste of History: More Than 100 Elegant Dessert Recipes From America'S Earliest Days by Walter Staib

Sweet Taste of History: More Than 100 Elegant Dessert Recipes From America'S Earliest Days by Walter Staib

Sweet Taste of History: More Than 100 Elegant Dessert Recipes From America'S Earliest Days

Sweet Taste of History: More Than 100 Elegant Dessert Recipes From America'S Earliest Days by Walter Staib PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A Sweet Taste of History captures the grandeur of the sweet table—the grand finale course of an 18th century meal. Rather than serving something simple, hostesses arranged elaborate sweet tables, displays of ornate beauty and delicious edibles meant to leave guests with a lasting impression. A Sweet Taste of History will have the same effect, lingering in the minds of its readers and inspiring them to get in the kitchen.
This gorgeous cookbook blends American history with exquisite recipes, as well as tips on how to create your own sweet table. It features 100 scrumptious dessert recipes, including cakes, cobblers, pies, cookies, quick breads, and ice cream. It includes original recipes from first ladies well-known for entertaining, such as Martha Washington’s An Excellent Cake and Dolley Madison’s French Vanilla Ice Cream. Chef Staib also offers sources for unusual ingredients and step-by-step culinary techniques, updating some of the recipes for modern cooks. This wonderful keepsake will bring a bygone era in America to life and inspire readers who love to cook, entertain, and follow history.

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