Selasa, 04 November 2014

PDF⋙ The Missing of the Somme by Geoff Dyer

The Missing of the Somme by Geoff Dyer

The Missing of the Somme

The Missing of the Somme by Geoff Dyer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Geoff Dyer’s classic The Missing of the Somme is part travelogue, part meditation on remembrance—and completely, unabashedly, unlike any other book about the First World War. Through visits to battlefields and memorials, he examines the way that photographs and film, poetry and prose determined—sometimes in advance of the events described—the way we would think about and remember the war. With his characteristic originality and insight, Dyer untangles and reconstructs the network of myth and memory that illuminates our understanding of, and relationship to, the Great War.

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