Rabu, 26 November 2014

PDF⋙ Transforming Health Care Through Information: Case Studies (Health Informatics)

Transforming Health Care Through Information: Case Studies (Health Informatics)

Transforming Health Care Through Information: Case Studies (Health Informatics)

Transforming Health Care Through Information: Case Studies (Health Informatics) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

With the growth of information and focus on Healthcare Informatics, there remains an interest in case studies. In the current field of Health Informatics there is no text that uses case studies to explain the difficulties that occur. . Edited by specialists in the field of Health Informatics, the third edition of Transforming Healthcare Through Information: Case Studies builds upon the specific examples of case studies to exemplify the various phases of introducing technological advancements into healthcare institutions. The new edition includes a section on how to implement Link2care, a system that will allow caregivers of ill patients, to seek reliable and informative online information and support. In addition the cases will be framed under new sections with discussion on new topics in the area of healthcare technology such as quality data management and knowledge management. The case studies described in the third edition will benefit not only the practicing professional but also the instructor and student studying in the field of health informatics.

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