Graduate Programs in the Visual Arts: The CAA Directory by The College Art Association
Graduate Programs in the Visual Arts: The CAA Directory by The College Art Association PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Graduate Programs in the Visual Arts is an indispensable, comprehensive guide to schools that offer a Master's or other advanced degree in art studies, including studio art, graphic and web design, art education, film production, conservation, and historic preservation. Compiled by the College Art Association, this easy-to-use directory includes over 350 schools and English-language academic programs in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and elsewhere worldwide.
Listings provide descriptions of special courses; numbers, names, and specializations of faculty; facilities, studios, and special equipment; student opportunities for research and work; information on financial aid, fellowships, and assistantships; application requirements; and details on housing, health insurance, studio safety, and other practical matters.
An index lists schools alphabetically and by state and country for quick reference. An introductory essay provides a detailed description of the elements of a program entry, including explanations of the various kinds of programs and degrees offered, placing the search and selection process in context.
This is the third edition of this directory published by CAA.
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