Selasa, 02 Februari 2016

PDF⋙ List of Shipowners and Managers 2013-2014 by Lloyd's Reg Ship

List of Shipowners and Managers 2013-2014 by Lloyd's Reg Ship

List of Shipowners and Managers 2013-2014

List of Shipowners and Managers 2013-2014 by Lloyd's Reg Ship PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A team of editorial experts verifies every entry before adding the information to the List of Shipowners & Managers giving you the assurance that you are using a directory from the world's leading authority. Data includes postal addresses, telephone, fax and email. Each vessel that makes up a fleet is named and its ship type, flag, IMO number, year of build and GT provided. Subscribers will also have access to Shipowners Online. The List of Shipowners & Managers complements Lloyd's Register of Ships by providing details of shipowners and the fleets they manage.

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